Create a static website with Angular
How to combine the flexibility and power of Angular with SEO friendly site. We will see together in this article how to generate a static site at build time.
Version française disponible ici : Créer un site statique avec Angular
The problem we're trying to solve
It is very likely that if you are reading these lines, you are convinced by Angular and you have questions about the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your site / application or that you want to boost its load time.
So what are we going to solve here?
Let's start with a very simple Angular application that you can find on my Github at the following address: The master
branch contains the site without static generation; the feature/static-website
branch contains the final site, with the static generation that you will get by following this post.
This is a fairly classic site containing 3 pages:
- A landing page: presentation of our product / service, probably THE most important page search engines must see and index properly.
- A "My todo" page: mini-application of "todo list" type, which brings dynamism to our site (the data is stored in memory for this example)
- An "About" page: Additional static mini page which will also need to be SEO enabled.
Here is what is returned by the web server when we consult the page the site at the root (/) which corresponds to the landing page.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>My static Angular web site</title>
<base href="/">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
<!-- Some links I hided because irrelevant here -->
<!-- Some scripts I hided because irrelevant here -->
<script src="runtime.js" type="module"></script><script src="polyfills.js" type="module"></script><script src="styles.js" type="module"></script><script src="vendor.js" type="module"></script><script src="main.js" type="module"></script>
Not much... right ? It is actually the plain index.html page that we find in our Angular project in which are injected the different JS scripts that make up our Angular application. And if we try to load the /about page, we get exactly the same thing.
And this is absolutely normal because it is Angular which sets everything up and injects the components and routes according to what is dynamically requested. Except that the search engines parse and analyze the HTML files returned by the sites to do the indexing, in other words in our case, it is the disaster, there is no information to index!
With the emergence of SPAs (Single Page Application), search engines tend to execute initialization javascript in order to avoid not seeing the real content, but the more you make life easier for them, the more they might like you;)
Another important point to note here, the user of your site will not be able to see and interact until the javascript has been downloaded and the initialization executed.
You can of course limit the size of Angular's initial bundle with modules and lazy loading, but you will never get the performance of a static site.
For more information on the metrics that promote your SEO, I invite you to visit and use Page Speed Insights if you want to get a detailed report on the loading speed of your site.
Introduction to SSR (Server Side Rendering)
You may have heard of it before, the solution for SPAs to get around the SEO issues is SSR. Angular has "Angular Universal" as a SSR solution. The concept is actually very simple, when a user asks for the /about address for example, the server takes care of loading the Angular context, initializing the components (the call to external APIs is made at this time) and create the final HTML which represents the state of the application after loading. Generally this allows the client to obtain the visual of the page faster than what his browser could do by avoiding the numerous client <-> server round trips.
Once the client (the browser) receives the HTML page already built, it displays it immediately then loads the rest of the Angular context in the background. The user can therefore start viewing useful content even before the browser has finished loading Angular's javascript. Then comes the "Rehydration" process which allows the javascript to be loaded without the initialization work already done by the server being rerun.
Now, our two previous pain points are resolved: a faster initial load because the server creates the initial HTML page with its local resources (and possibly external APIs) and a returned HTML file which no longer "empty": perfect for lazy search engines.
It is as you can see an excellent solution but it also has some disadvantages:
- The server has more work to do, so it will handle fewer requests per second.
- You need a server to distribute your SPA-type application! And this is the major point I want to avoid most of the times. I personally like to store my Angular apps in Azure Blob Storage for its simplicity, its infinite scalability and especially its almost zero cost.
Implementation of pre-rendering
So how can we go further? Well, it is quite simply by doing the job of SSR not at each request but at the time of the build of your application.
SSR in Angular with Angular Universal has been around for a while. The pre-rendering done by the core team, as easy to use as we are going to see, exists since Angular 9. For the previous versions, there are tips and trick to do it but you will have to get your hands dirty to achieve your ends and what we are going to see now will not work out of the box
The first step will be to install the SSR in our Angular application. It's very simple thanks to the schematics and the ng add
ng add @nguniversal/express-engine
We are going to detail a bit what happened with this simple command so we understand what kind of magic happened :)
A new bootstrap of our Angular application
Adding Angular Universal created several files related to starting and loading our application in a server context.
- A tsconfig.server.json file: derived from the file, allows you to specifically configure Typescript -> javascript transpilation for the server execution context.
- A server.ts file: contains a node.js application using the express library for "web server" service during an SSR request
- A main.server.ts file: replaces the classic Angular startup which is only intended to run in a browser.
- An app.server.module.ts file: new module used when starting the application on the server side, which imports the ServerModule module in addition to the "classic" AppModule.
Other files have been edited by the ng add
- angular.json: Addition of a "server" configuration, of a "server-ssr" and finally a "prerender" one (hmmm... this one looks very promising!)
- app.module.ts: Modification of the
BrowserModule.withServerTransition import ({appId: 'serverApp'})
which allows to configure the "Rehydration" process - app-routing.module.ts: Change on the import of the RouterModule necessary for the proper functioning of the SSR
- package.json: in addition to the added libraries, "scripts" have been put in place to control the various commands related to SSR.
Test of the newly configured SSR
Instead of using the good old ng serve
you are used to, you can use npm run dev: ssr
to run your application with SSR enabled.
And now, here is what is returned directly during a server call.
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>My static Angular web site</title>
<base href="/">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="favicon.ico">
<!-- Links hidden because irrelevant here -->
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<!-- Some scripts irrelevant here -->
<script src="runtime.js" type="module"></script><script src="polyfills.js" type="module"></script><script src="vendor.js" type="module"></script><script src="main.js" type="module"></script>
Line 12 is very long but contains our entire home page which is presented directly to the browser! The links have also been turned into href so that search engines can easily follow them.
However, if you change the page in the application, you will notice that you keep all the benefits of a SPA application, without making another server call because all the Angular context is attached to the already existing HTML file. The Todo application works as before, the SSR work is completely transparent for the user.
npm run prerender
We now come to our last step which consists of generating in advance all the pages of our application in HTML format. Here again, the Angular team has planned and prepared an npm script that we just have to run with the npm run prerender
This command will build your application in production mode, find and explore your routing, launch the server taking care of the SSR and call all the routes one after the other before finally saving the HTML output in index.html files put in a folder with the name of the route.
In the dist folder, you get a directory per route containing its HTML file. You can deploy this folder to a very basic HTTP server without Node, PHP or ASP.NET, as long as it knows how to return static files you're good to go!
As said before, I personally like to deploy this to Azure Blob Storage. More about this in a future post !
Angular's Meta and Title services to better personalize your SEO
Before closing this article, I want to share with you one last piece of information. If your goal behind SSR is SEO first and foremost, you have to know about Title
and Meta
services provided by Angular.
As their name suggests, they allow you to respectively change the Title and Meta of your pages, and it is essential to cherish them if you plan to be well positioned in search engines.
They are also very easy to use.
Modify the title and the metas of your page in the ngOnInit()
so that the SSR takes it into account and returns the HTML with this information:
The pre-render feature provided with Angular Universal allows you to quickly and easily transform an Angular application into a static website. The two main benefits are: better indexing for search engines and speed of your site (which is also a factor for search engines).
It avoids the need of an execution server and will be perfectly suited for sites whose content can be refreshed only with each deployment. Otherwise, you now know the basis of SSR which will allow you to obtain updated static versions of your pages on each request.
In a future article, I will take up this project to do the pre-render and automated deployment in Azure Blob Storage at each push / PR on the master
If you like my articles, please follow me on Twitter @Chinouchi to be informed of the release of the next ones :)
- To learn more about SSR related processes:
- Angular Universal documentation:
- Link to the project's github:, the
branch contains the code without Angular Universal, thefeature/static-website
branch contains the whole project with SSR / pre-render enabled